Product Features
Marketing Management

Increasing traffic to your webstore is the key area that results in the success your Ecommerce business. Right Ecommerce marketing strategies help you to create the necessary hype about your products, services and events and there by increases the traffic to your Ecommerce webstore.

Commerce Bee “Marketing Management” Ecommerce solutions integrates the functions of sales management, online marketing and promotional activities to improve the overall sales of your online store. Leveraging on the evolving and innovative business models, the powerful integration features of our marketing tools broaden the reach and help you grow your business.

Key Benefits
  • Creates search engine friendly pages that allow you to optimize your site.
  • Provides analysis of leads driven by paid search campaigns.
  • Manage your affiliate relationships more efficiently and monitor the sales activities.
  • Offers customer segmentation under various parameters to help you to target customer groups accordingly.
  • Cross-selling options to enhance visibility.
  • Helps to obtain accurate lead conversion rates and accordingly devise better ROI plans.
  • Streamline and track purchase conversions in real-time.
  • Maximizes the impact of your highly targeted e-mail marketing campaigns with impeccable execution.
  • Create your own time-based subscriptions and memberships.
  • Create different campaigns for each product with special promotion codes and discount coupons for each campaigns.
  • Entice new and existing customers with   offer points and rewards for purchases made on campaigns.
  • Provides complete integration of reports to accurately measure the impact of your campaigns.
  • Helps you to disseminate data on customer profiles and preferences and accordingly analyze for better business intelligence.
Key Features

Provide Gift certificates
Provide online gift certificate to supplement existing product offerings and discounts.


Promotional banners
Use promotional banners to promote new products and to advertise current special offers.


Affiliate tracking system
Create as many as affiliate programs as you like for your products and track your sales, conversions and profits.


Define your discount rules
Set your own rules for offering discounts such as for “X” amount of purchase rule “A” is applicable etc.


Offer Bulk discounts
Define the criteria for availing bulk discounts such as “Purchase a minimum of “ X” quantity or “X” number depending on the nature of the product to avail the bulk.


Top sellers list
Prominently display the list of top selling products and entice the customers in to buying them.


Traceable coupon codes
Facilitate customers to trace coupon codes that are used by many online stores for providing additional discounts for their products as promotional campaigns.


Coupon expiry date
Define expiry dates for coupons to facilitate customers enjoy discounts for the products.


Online certificate use
Define the usage benefits of your online certificates to your customers to enhance security and usability.


Google Analytics integration
Integrate with Google Analystics to track your e-commerce transactions to measure your conversion rate and generate other valid reports.

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